Now I know that there are bound to be a couple of you reading this that may be confused as to why I seem to have an entire front garden on my head, so just in case you've missed the boat on the whole flower crown 'thing', just Google it and you'll understand real quick!
At any rate, I couldn't let my bohemian music festival hair tutorial week go by without adding in a flower crown, and these curls are so romantic and ethereal I thought they'd be a great match.haha Anyway's I hope you love it!
Steps 1-3:
Steps 1-3:

(1) Start by brushing your hair smooth and free of tangles. (2) Divide your hair into three even horizontal sections, (3) tying the top two up for later. Work some heat protectent into the bottom layer.
Steps 4-6:

(4) Begin crimping a 3 or so inch section by keeping the iron as close as your scalp as possible. On the second clamp down your section (5) remember to keep your hair between the iron and your scalp slacked and not taunt so the curls can set properly. Once you reach the bottom of your section (6) leave a couple inches of hair out of the iron, this will give them a much more natural look.
Steps 7-9:
Steps 7-9:

By Emily Loves