Have you ever found yourself in a hairstylist’s chair, mind brimming with all sorts of questions?
Promise yourself to ask your stylist “this time for sure,” only to find
yourself biting them back yet again? It’s normal to feel shy or
intimidated when you’re in the hot seat or to get distracted by the
stylist’s suggestions, but the key to a happy relationship with your
stylist and to satisfactory results is in solid communication. Even the
strongest of us end up quailing under a pro’s judgy gaze and suddenly
every well thought of instruction you had fades away, much like wisps of
hair falling to the floor. And while it’s true that there are
hairdressers who don’t really listen to clients or are unable to
translate expectations into real results, nine times out of ten, you can
avoid a bad hairdo if you know how to truly speak to your stylist.
many folks I’ve spoken to on the issue tell me: sometimes you know
exactly what you want and you know what the right technical terms are
but you’re still unable to communicate the same to the stylist.
So here we’re going to break down what a successful conversation with your hairstylist/ hairdresser should be like.
#1 Know Your Capacity, Spell It Out
deciding on a cut, most stylists will ask you about the level of effort
you’re going to put into styling the same. If you’re opting for a cut
that looks best in straight hair but you can’t be bothered to blow-dry
regularly, you’re going to end up sorely disappointed. If you ask for
rainbow color but don't want to splurge on salon-grade products,
you’re better off with a simpler dye job. Be honest about how much time
and effort you’re willing to put into styling a haircut. Let your
hairstylist know the same. You might want to impress them in the moment
but it’s a lot better to be upfront than to be saddled with a style you
can’t manage- and you’ll be the only one to blame for it when it goes
#2 Ask For Quotes
Kardashian-esque ombré you’re lusting after? It’s going to cost you. The
end results will be worth it, but don’t go into the experience blind to
reality. Nothing is more insulting to a stylist or embarrassing for a
client (and everyone else around) than a hiccup when payment is due. If
you’ve got a budget, discuss the same with your hairdresser. They will
respect you all the more for it. Nobody likes a tantrum and as stylists
we respect the fact that you’ve got to take your needs into
consideration as well. Just remember: you get what you pay for. Don't
skimp: there are other ways to save money on your hair.
#3 Instagram Is Not Real Life
of Instagram as the Disney of hair stories: if you’re waiting on a
monster-slaying knight on a white horse or a seamless transition from
black to blonde, you might as well pitch a tent and get comfy. If you’re
pulling photos from Instagram, be realistic. There’s a whole lot of
editing, touching up, filters and effects involved and while your
stylist may be a maverick at their trade they’re most certainly not
magicians. Your stylist can instead help you balance the season's hottest hair trends with more pragmatic concerns.
#4 Explain The Motivation Behind The Appointment
it might be the oldest cliché in the book but most hairstyling
appointments are booked either right after or just before a major event/
experience. From breakup haircuts to
prepping for a wedding with some new color, it’s never a good idea to
go into a whole new look without examining your own reasons for doing
so. Change can be great, but it needs to be timed right. As stylists, we
like to think that we can help our clients look and feel good, while
also addressing some of the deeper concerns behind the transformation.
Talking to your stylist (you don't have to get too candid if you’re not
comfortable) about why you want to change your look can be a great way
to analyze the decision from a distance. Think of it as a sounding
board- with professional insight. With the right information in hand, a
hairstylist can help you achieve what you’re looking without necessarily
going the same way as you’d originally planned. You can still reinvent
yourself or return to an old favorite without committing to the wrong
#5 Know How Inspiration Photos Work
Always take an inspiration picture along if you have one. More, if you can. When it comes to communicating your expectations to your hairdresser,
nothing is as effective as a photograph. That said, be realistic with
your #hairgoals. You can’t expect to rock a platinum crop or insist on
an undercut without really having the features or the personality for
the same. Give your stylist tons of visual cues so they know just the
color, length, texture and effect you want- but then take a step back
and let them add their professional opinion to the discussion. They
might be able to help you recreate the vibe you’re going for in a manner
that is better suited to you, the individual.
#6 Know The Difference Between Correction And Creation
It’s one thing to want a new look; it’s another to want to salvage a botched up one. If you need hair color correction
the stylist will need to take a different approach as compared to an
original dye job as of itself. Going blue is very different from using
blue to cover up a flawed silvery grey dye. Explain to the stylist:
- What you wanted.
- What you got instead.
- How/what went wrong and where/why.
- What you would like done now.
a professional repair project is going to cost you a pretty penny even
if you’re only covering up the damage done by a drugstore dye.
#7 Use Concrete Terms
you ask your hairdresser to cut “a couple of inches” but don’t specify
exactly how many you can’t complain if they lop off a foot. Don’t be
vague and don’t expect the stylist to figure out your feelings. You need
to commit to your own wishes in decisive terms. Real world metrics
apply at the salon too so you must be clear, concise and accurate when
you communicate. An inch is not five, burgundy is not red and a
side-swept fringe won’t magically fan out at the front.
#8 Be Your Own Inspiration
okay to want The Rachel or The Karlie Kut but do you know what is more
likely to suit you and be a realistic ideal? Your own best look. If
there’s a particular past haircut or color that you really liked, felt
beautiful and confident in and know worked for you, bring photos of the
same. If you don’t want to blandly return to an old look, your stylist
can help retain some old elements while working in a few new ones.
There's a lot that goes into choosing the right haircut.
But once you know what that is, working with what you have and what you
love is a lot easier and more celebratory of the self as compared to
trying to become someone else.
#9 Dress/ Behave Like Your Usual Self
way we talk, sit and act as well as what we wear (clothes, shoes,
makeup, accessories) all contribute to our look and personality. A lot
of our work as hairstylists is to pick up the nonverbal cues to a
client’s style and mix it into the hairdressing. So, don’t dress down to
the salon just because you want a day off. It could send the wrong
message about who you are and who you like to be. Conversely, don’t deck
yourself up either. Recreate your standard look and behave as you would
amongst friends and family. Any falsity on your part (however
unintentional or well-meaning) could completely scramble up the message
you’re trying to send your stylist.
#10 Be Honest About Your Hair History
If your hairstylist asks you questions about your hair care regimen, hair health,
past treatments and styling choices (and even if they don't) give out
as much honest, detailed information as you can. A lot of people make
poor choices that affect the quality, texture and appearance of their
hair and then they’re tempted to hide the same because they’re ashamed.
Don't worry: your stylist isn’t here to judge you but to help you. Every
little detail can help your hairdresser make informed choices about the
techniques they use on you. To wit: it’s important for your stylist to
know whether your hair is a certain way naturally or because it’s been
chemically treated so that they can choose new treatments and products
By Sascha Breuer