When Cooper arrived at the hospital, she was unable to talk and doctors were concerned her airway was swollen. "I have never screamed like that in my life, from being set on fire to getting in the shower I was screaming," she said.
After a two-day hospital stay, her voice returned and she no longer needed an operation.
Cooper was clearly distraught, she said that the worst part was seeing
her three-year-old granddaughter Ava watch the whole incident. "The
hardest part for me is knowing little Ava saw everything that happened
and she has been telling people, 'Nana went bang and was burning,'" she
Although it's unknown exactly what brand/type of lighter it was, Rotherham Borough Council's Trading Standards
officers in the UK are calling it a novelty lighter (because of it's
unusually large size and the fact that it lit up). These are illegal
throughout Europe, however Cooper said she was not aware of those
warnings. "I would not expect shops to sell them if they were not
allowed — I see them everywhere," she said. "But what happened to me
just proves why they shouldn't be on sale."