Would you ride your bike without a helmet? No. Would you go to sleep without wrapping your hair? Never! When it comes to maintaining hairstyles, preserving length, and preventing frizz, the most noble work is done at night. This fact can be applied to curly, kinky, relaxed, or straight hair. I’m currently transitioning back to natural curls through a pixie cut, and attribute my quick morning routine to pre-emptive nighttime styling. Sleeping (otherwise known as six to eight friction-laden hours of rooting your scalp on a pillow case,) can almost guarantee roughing up your hairstyle and edges, turning mornings into a frantic effort to remedy bed head. Unless, that is, you wrap your hair before climbing under the sheets and wake up looking like the night’s snooze never happened. Run-of-the-mill satin hair wraps tend to rival Jiffy Pop packaging, so we’ve narrowed down chic alternatives that turn nighttime hair protection into a pretty treat. This selection of hair accessories is a stylish departure from your traditional beauty supply store hair wrap — think more Rihanna in “Wild Thoughts”, and less auntie in an extra-large bonnet.