Crimped Hair Is Back! Here's How to Do It Right

From: L’Oréal Paris

If you’ve looked around lately, then you’re no stranger to the fact that the ‘90s are alive and well here in 2017. From bright makeup to platform shoes, some of our favorite fashion and beauty trends are making an updated comeback that we definitely don’t hate. At the top of that list of nostalgic ‘90s style: crimped hair. Yes, we’re serious!
If you grew up in the ‘90s, chances are you topped off many outfits with perfectly zig-zagged hair for that purposefully frizzy, super-voluminous look. Yep, we bet you can imagine it well. Worn down or in pigtails, ponytails, or half-up ‘dos, crimped hair was all the rage back then. And now it’s back.

The new version of crimped hair isn’t just for kids and teens, though. Want to try a fresh, modern take on crimped hair for the 21st century? Follow our tutorial below and crimp away!

What you’ll need:

  • L’Oréal Paris EverCreme Deep Nourish Shampoo
  • L’Oréal Paris EverCreme Deep Nourish Conditioner
  • L’Oréal Paris Advanced Hairstyle BOOST IT Blow Out Heat Spra
  • Blow-dryer
  • Boar bristle brush
  • Lobster clips
  • Crimping iron

Get the look by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Start with freshly washed hair. 

There are many hairstyles out there that look fabulous on day old hair, but when it comes to crimping, it’s best to start off fresh. Try the L’Oréal Paris EverCreme Deep Nourish Shampoo and L’Oréal Paris EverCreme Deep Nourish Conditioner.

Step 2: Use a heat protectant.

Before drying your hair, remember to use a heat protector! Give give your strands an allover spritz with the L’Oréal Paris Advanced Hairstyle BOOST IT Blow Out Heat Spray.

Step 3: Blow-dry your hair.

In order to crimp, your hair has to be completely dry. Wait until your hair has mostly dried on its own, then blow-dry it the rest of the way.

Step 4: Brush your hair.

Using a smoothing boar bristle brush, detangle any knots in your hair so that you have a perfectly smooth surface to begin crimping.

Step 5: Divide your hair into sections.

Just like with curling or straightening, the best way to achieve this style is to split your hair into sections. Divide your hair into a top and bottom section, and divide each of those sections into a left and right side. You can use lobster clips to keep the hair that you’re not working with out of the way.

Step 6: Prep your tool.

There’s two ways to go about this: You can either use an old-school crimper or a newfangled zig-zag iron. Both heat tools can be used to create crimped hair. While traditional crimpers create a more ‘90s look featuring super-fine kinks for loaded texture, the new zig-zag irons create wider crimps for an update to the look that slightly resembles geometric waves. Regardless of which tool you choose, you need to plug it in and set it on the lowest setting to style your hair without having to make multiple passes. Typically, the thinner your hair, the lower setting you can get away with, whereas you might need to use a higher setting if you have thicker hair.

Step 7: Crimp away!

Using your crimping iron of choice, go section-by-section to crimp your hair. Split each of your four sections into a few sections so that you can create a super-voluminous end look that’s full of texture. When crimping, make sure to sandwich the crimps horizontally across your hair to give you the look you’re going for. You’ll want to hold down the iron for 5-10 seconds per section to achieve the look, but depending on the thickness of your hair you may need to hold it for longer. So, feel free to experiment until you get it just right.

Now that you know how to get the look, let your crimped tresses hang loose, tie them into a super-high pony, half-up space buns, or whatever your heart desires. Long live the ‘90s!

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Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends: Crimped Hair Is Back! Here's How to Do It Right
Crimped Hair Is Back! Here's How to Do It Right
At the top of that list of nostalgic ‘90s style: crimped hair. Yes, we’re serious!
Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends
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