7 Common Makeup Mistakes Every Bride Makes

Your wedding day makeup can truly make or break your bridal look, so you want to make sure it's absolutely flawless. Before you finalize the details, check out these seven mistakes that professional makeup artists shared with SHEfinds and want you to avoid at all costs.

Skipping The Trial

Marissa Hohner of Sugar Skull Makeup Chicago says that makeup trials are essential for every bride. "Some women want to forego this step, but it truly is so helpful in the end for both the makeup artist and the bride," Marissa says. "The trial allows the makeup artist to get to know the bride better, and the bride will feel so much more comfortable seeing a familiar face walk in on what can be a stressful day. The trial also allows the makeup artist to understand the bride's preferences, coloring, skin type, and beauty goals before the big day. A makeup trial before the bride's wedding day is an absolute MUST!"

Failing To Prep Your Skin

Makeup artist Hillary Kline recommends finding a go-to way to prep your skin before your wedding. "I always tell my brides to at least get a facial a month before the big day," Hillary says. "Make sure the bride properly moisturizes and primes the skin so the makeup lasts and has a smooth finish."

Forgetting About Brows

Hillary also says that forgetting about your brows is a huge mistake. "Never skip filling in your brows," Hillary says. "I always say that the brows can change your entire look of the face. Find a brow powder or pencil that matches your hair color and fill in any sparse areas."

Choosing Makeup That Isn't Waterproof

Let’s face it, there will be emotions flying around (and tears) on your wedding day-- that's why your mascara choice is so important, Hillary says. "Make sure that the mascara is waterproof--and I always tell my brides to dab the tears away. Don’t wipe them away as it will ruin the makeup," Hillary explains.

Failing To Set Your Makeup

Lori Leib of Bodyography Professional Cosmetics says that it's essential to set your makeup with a setting spray on your wedding day, even if you don't do it on a daily basis. "Not only does it seal the makeup for all day wear, but it takes away any powdery look, acts as a mixing medium for shadows and can be used as step one before primer to prep the skin," Lori says. "Our Ready Set Go is light and not oily so it can be spritzed throughout the day to 'revitalize' the makeup and the Ylang Ylang scent is calming and relaxing, perfect for a nervous bride."

Forgetting Bronzer

No bride wants to look pale or washed out on her wedding day. Lori recommends using a bronzer to give the perfect sun kissed glow and subtle sculpt you’ll want on your big day.

Striving To Look Like Someone You're Not

Wedding makeup should enhance your beauty, not turn you into an airbrushed stranger, says Jenifer Gay of Blue Flamingo Weddings. "Even though makeup can make you look better in photos, it doesn't mean you should cake it on. Make your skin look dewy and enhance your best features, but don't go overboard," Jenifer says. "Be your beautiful self!"

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Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends: 7 Common Makeup Mistakes Every Bride Makes
7 Common Makeup Mistakes Every Bride Makes
Before you finalize the details, check out these seven mistakes that professional makeup artists shared with SHEfinds and want you to avoid at all costs.
Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends
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