It's always a sad day when a piece of your makeup family has to be laid to rest
(ie, thrown away). You think back on all the wonderful times you've had
together; all the nights out, first dates and interviews they got you
through - but when the time comes, it has to be done.
However, if you've left the cap off your eyeliner too long and it's dried up and you're not ready to part with it just yet, beauty lover Manella has a solution - and it's particularly good if your brows are of the darker variety.
She recently posted a video on Instagram showing off a
hack she learned for getting the perfect amount of pigment spread across
your brows. Because the liner is dry, it doesn't create such a harsh
She uses the dried out eyeliner pen to outline her brows
and then brushes the ink through her brows, finishing off with a little
bit of brow powder.
You can see how she does it in the video below.
viewers of the video applauded her technique and said they also do the
same thing as some brow products are too reddy/brown for their brows.
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