Courtesy of the spring 2017 runways.

By Nicola Fumo, Sweet
[post_ads]I have the kind of skin
that doesn't heal. It's been more than a decade since I got a Monroe
piercing as a teen with a fake ID, but a ghost, in the form of a small
hole, still haunts my upper lip. The same goes for the mismatched holes
in my ears, and even the path a septum once traveled inside my nose (no
one in 2006 told me there would be a clip-in variety readily available
come 2016).
I've learned to be more selective with piercings in my twenties than I was in my teens.

ou can imagine my delight,
then, at the latest piercing trend, which punctures not your flesh—but
your clothes. On runways in New York and London, we've spotted designers
using nose-ring-esque metal hoops, grommets, and eyelet hardware to
create an all new peek-a-boo effect that's tough and subtly sexy. (The
big plus here: DIYing this trend is very easy.)
Check out the best examples we've seen so far, and rejoice with me in a future full of non-committal piercings.

Christopher Kane showed dresses, cardigans, skirts, and tees loaded with colorful grommets and silver hoops.

Sally LaPointe used the lace-up effect we're used to seeing on
sneakers—including the little silver grommets you'd expect on a pair of
Converse—to snake up the entire leg of these white trousers.

David Koma's spring looks were full of oversized studs with equally
enlarged button loops that can be hooked or unhooked to change up the