[post_ads]You know what’s worse than having to wake up super early? Having to wake up super early and looking like a puffy-eyed monster. Whether you had a late night or are just prone to swelling, here are some home remedies to try the next time you need to deflate those bags quickly.
You’ve seen this in movies and on your Aunt Sally, and that’s because cucumber slices actually work wonders on tired, puffy eyes. Just cut and peel a cuke into 1-inch slices and place them atop your peepers for 15 to 30 minutes so all of the calming antioxidants can do their thing. (They also make one hell of a snack when sprinkled with sea salt and chili powder—just saying.)
No cucumbers, no problem. Chilled potato slices do the same thing—and they stay cool longer (which maximizes their de-puffing effects). Again, all you have to do is slice a raw potato into 1-inch pieces and put them over your eyes for 15 to 30 minutes.
Whole milk is rich in amino acids, proteins, vitamins and lactic acid—all of which help to soothe skin and reduce swelling. To reap the benefits, dip two cotton balls into a glass of the stuff and squeeze out the excess before placing them over your (closed) eyes for 15 minutes.
Green and black teas contain caffeine, which constricts the itty-bitty blood vessels around your eyes, as well as tannins, which stimulates blood circulation. De-puff your peepers by steeping two tea bags in hot water for a few minutes. Then remove them from the water, let them cool to room temperature and place them over your eyes for (you guessed it) 15 to 30 minutes.
Read: Part-2