By Anthea Levi, InStyle

If you’re thinking about going on isotretinoin, the high-dose vitamin A pill that treats acne, you’ve probably already done some research. Before I started the medication—more widely known by the brand name Accutane, which is no longer produced—I scrolled through online forums, diligently reading first-hand accounts of the pros and cons of the drug.
Pros: It cures acne! Cons: It comes with annoying side effects. It's also hard to get a hold of. A government program called iPLEDGE tightly controls prescriptions for isotretinoin, since the drug can cause severe birth defects if a woman gets pregnant while taking it.

Once my doctor wrote me a script, I began the very involved (and often eye roll-inducing) process that accompanies taking isotretinoin. Spoiler alert: It includes blood work, pregnancy tests, and check-ups with your derm... every month.

The good news is that I’m currently on month three—about halfway through my treatment course—and my side effects haven’t been all that bad so far. Still, I figured I’d share my experience in case you’re surfing the Web, looking for answers like I was.

I asked experts to weigh in on my side effects, and comment on other symptoms patients may encounter. Just keep in mind that my experience won't necessarily be the same as yours. How you respond to isotretinoin depends on your body, and the dosage you take.