By Erin Lukas, InStyle
Add a painless way of removing unwanted facial hair to our
running list of things that sound too good to be true. Whether you
prefer getting rid of peach fuzz or upper lip hair by waxing, threading,
tweezing, or opt for the more permanent route of lasers, it's not going
to feel like getting a facial massage.
To our suprise, there is a tool that claims to get the job done
without any redness, irritation, or discomfort (yes, really). The
unicorn of hair removal methods: Finishing Touch Flawless Facial Hair
Remover. While the product name doesn't exactly roll off of your tongue,
you're not wrong if it sounds familiar. According to Nielson's ratings,
it's been a bestseller on the infomercial circuit for over a decade.
Finishing Flawless Touch Facial Hair Remover

Still, I wasn't able to resist the siren call of Finishing Touch Flawless. As someone who regularly waxes and has tried other rotary hair removal devices like Finishing Touch Flawless, I was skeptical I would be able to get the same smooth finish and that the process would actually be painless.
[post_ads]Here's how the battery-operated device works: Once it's turned on, the round disc on one end of the stick spins as you glide it in a circular motion over the peach fuzz you want gone. Also included is a built-in light and its 18K gold-plated, to make hair removal feel as fancy as it could be.
It sounds easy enough, and it is. What was really unbelievable though, is that Finishing Touch Flawless picked up all of the hair I had on my upper lip in a single sweep. I've tried other manual rotary facial hair removal devices and have had to go over the area multiple times while applying a bit of pressure. Often this ended in redness and following up with a tweezer to get rid of stray hairs left behind. What was even more shocking was that I really didn't feel any pinching or stinging while using it or afterwards.
In addition to being TSA-friendly so that you can pack it in your
carry-on for vacations, what sets Finishing Touch Flawless apart is that
it can pick up even the shortest hairs on our face. Unlike waxing, you
don't have to wait for hair to get past the stubble phase to use it.
And the device just got even more convenient: Previously Finishing
Touch Flawless was only available by calling the number on its
infomerical or heading to its website. But, starting in July you can
grab one of your own for $20 at your local drugstore or Ulta.
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