By Lindsay Cohn, Reader's Digest
Braids: They're so pretty to wear, but also so
hard to do. Amirite? Even the ones that are supposed to be "easy" on
Pinterest seem to require some sort of hair sorcery or superhuman hand
strength. All too often we're left either with a tangled mess or end up
settling for a sad ponytail. Sarah Potempa is here to help fix that.
you're not already familiar with Potempa, she's a celebrity hairstylist
and the founder of a handy little tool you may have heard of called the
Beachwaver. And she happens to be one of the best braid experts out there. Really! She once completed a 365 Days of Braids
challenge where she wore a different braid every single day for an
entire year. If that's not proof of her talent and dedication, we don't
know what is.
So on that note, we asked Potempa to come to the Glamour
offices and teach us her favorite techniques based on our hair length
and textures, all at varying levels of difficulty—"1" being something
you probably mastered at summer camp in grade school to "5" meaning
you've got your braid game on lock. Here, her best advice on how to
braid your hair—along with cute hair DIYs for short hair, fine hair,
curly hair, and more.
[post_ads_2] Classic three-strand braid

Step 1: Detangle hair
The first step is to use a brush or wide-toothed comb to
detangle strands—hair is much easier to braid when it's smooth and
Step 2: Divide hair into three equal sections.
Split hair into three sections (A, B, and C).
Step 3: Cross the sections
Hold the right section with your right hand and the left
section with your left hand. "Cross the outside strand over the middle;
interchanging right and left side. Example A over B, C over A, B over
C," explains Michelle Lee, co-owner and master designer of Salon Eva Michelle. Continue this over-under technique—tightening as you go—until you have braided to the desired length.
Step 4: Secure with an elastic band
Once you've braided to the desired length, secure with a non-rubber hair elastic. (Master these 15 hairstyle terms before your next salon visit.)
French braid

Matthew Cohen/Rd.comThe always elegant French braid is a timeless, classic—and an easy hairstyle for lazy days.
Step 1: Detangle hair
Use a brush or wide-toothed comb to detangle strands.
Step 2: Apply product (optional)
If starting with wet hair—particularly if strands are straight, thin or fine—Lauren Burks, founder of Braid Bar STA,
recommends applying a volumizing mousse. Blow-dry before braiding. If
starting with dry hair and your strands are squeaky clean, spritz in
some texturizing spray, like Garnier Fructis Style De-Constructed Texture Tease, to give it more grip, making it easier to braid.
Step 3: Part out starter section
Starting at your hairline, gather tresses—including the
hair above your ears—into what will become your starter section. Divide
this section into three equal pieces; these will make up the beginning
of the braid.
Step 4: Cross the sections
Start the first section like a three-strand braid, crossing
over one time on each side. This locks in and gives you a foundation.
Step 5: Add more hair
As you cross the next sections, add hair to the outside
strands and cross the middle. Keep your hands close for a tighter braid.
Continue adding hair each time you cross over. Pro tip: Try to add the
same amount of hair each time for a balanced braid. "The smaller the
added hair, the tighter the braid; the bigger the sections, the fuller
the braid," explains Lee.
Step 6: Secure with an elastic band
When there is no more hair to add, continue with a traditional three-strand braid and secure with a non-rubber hair elastic.
Fishtail braid

Step 1: Pull hair into ponytail (optional)
According to Sarah Potempa, celebrity hairstylist and founder of Beachwaver, the easiest way to learn a fishtail is to brush hair back into a low ponytail and secure it with a hair bungee. This will create a stable base for your braid.
Step 2: Divide hair into two sections
Separate the ponytail into two smaller, equal parts.
Step 3: Cross sections
Gather one small (half-inch) section from the outside left
and cross it over to the right. Repeat on the right side, crossing over
to the left. Continue alternating sides and adding pieces until there is
no more hair to add.
Step 4: Secure with an elastic band
Secure braid with a non-rubber hair elastic. If you started with a hair bungee to start, you can remove it now.
Waterfall braid

Matthew Cohen/Rd.com"The
waterfall braid is a simple and chic way to elevate your hairstyle, and
it works really well to keep hair out of the face, and frizz-free,"
says Potempa. (These are the best products to fight hair frizz.)
Step 1: Smooth strands
Bricel Cury, Lead Stylist at DreamDry, suggests apply a smoothing serum to help tame fly-aways before blow-drying hair smooth.
Step 2: Create a side part
The waterfall braid works best with a deep side part. This enhances the cascading effect of the braid.
Step 3: Section strands
Starting at your hairline, create a 2-inch wide, triangle
section, splitting it into three even pieces (A, B, and C), as if
starting a French braid.
Step 4: Complete your first braid sequence
Start by crossing the section closest to your hairline (A)
over the middle piece (B), placing your thumb in between both sections.
Grab the bottom section (C) and drop it in-between the two sections
being held with your thumb.
Step 5: Add more hair
Once the first braid sequence is complete, begin to add
more hair. To do so, grab a new, equal-sized piece from near your part.
This piece (D) will become your new top section. Cross it over the
middle (C) to continue the braid. Continue braiding by incorporating new
strands, repeating the process until you reach the back of the head.
Step 6: Secure with bobby pins
Secure the braid behind your ear with bobby pins.
Dutch braid

Matthew Cohen/Rd.comThe
Dutch braid is often referred to as an inverted braid, because it's
basically a French braid, but in reverse. It's equally good on hot days
to beat the heat. Here are 7 other no-heat hairstyles when it's too dang hot outside.
Step 1: Divide hair into three sections
Like the French braid, you'll need to begin with three strands of hair from the front of your head.
Step 2: Cross the outside over middle
Cross the outer left strand (A) under the middle section (B), then the right strand (C) over the new middle (A).
Step 3: Add more hair
After doing one pass under for the right and left, start
adding hair to each outer section before crossing under the middle.
Continue the process until there's no more hair to add. Pro tip: Keep
hands closer for a tighter braid. The smaller the sections, the tighter
the braid. The bigger the sections, the wider the braid.
Step 4: Secure with a hair tie
Secure first braid with non-rubber hair elastic.