You kind of know when you're going to have a
terrible day before it even unfolds. It usually begins in the
morning—maybe you've overslept, noticed a surprise zit on your chin (of
course) or—woof—left your apartment without your keys. But if you can
incorporate good habits into your A.M. routine, you might be able to
stop that bad day before it happens. You might not get your keys back,
but your skin will look fresh and glowing no matter what. Here, five
ways to begin your day on a high note.
1. Working up a sweat.
you exercise in the morning. Maybe you exercise at night. Maybe you
consider walking to the subway your cardio. Still, getting in a workout
session in the morning pays off for your skin. That's because aerobic
exercise, like using an elliptical machine or going for a run, increases blood flow
to your skin, which enjoys the steady supply of nutrients and oxygen.
There's nothing like a post-gym flush—especially one that's completely
2. Drink your H2O.
feels like you can't go a day without hearing about how a model begins
her day with hot water steeped with lemon. It sounds idyllic, and it
probably is. But if you're the sort of person who can barely find two
matching socks in the morning, that might not happen. NBD. Just drink some water. It'll hydrate your skin, make you feel more energized, and can even aid in weight loss. The downside: There is none.
3. Don't skimp on sleep.
is the only time that your skin isn't busy contending with constant
environmental aggressors like UV light and pollutants. So your cells are programmed
to take advantage and have a skin cell repair free-for-all. Which means
if you miss out on sleep, you also miss out on those benefits (and
that's not even taking the inevitable dark circles into account). When
it comes to your skin, you win.
4. Protect your skin from harsh conditions.
world takes a toll on skin and can actually cause sensitivity—even if
you're not genetically predisposed to it. To combat irritation and
visible redness from the daily grind, Rodan + Fields' four-step Soothe regimen
offers a comprehensive approach to sensitive skin. The Gentle Cream
Wash removes grime and makeup without stripping skin, the Sensitive Skin
Treatment contains a proprietary peptide complex that conditions skin
and helps support its surface when it faces environmental aggressors
associated with dry, irritated, sensitive skin, and the Moisture
Replenishing Cream deeply hydrates skin without suffocating it. They
work together to nourish and protect compromised skin.
5. Identify your biggest skin care concern.
only does it speed up the process when you book a facial (treat
yo'self!), but nailing down your biggest skin-care gripe means you can
better prioritize the products and formulas you use. Because if you're
using the wrong products, you could be
causing redness, chronic irritation, and even stinging. Think of it as
skin self-sabotage. Figuring out your skin type and needs mean you're
better equipped to improve them—and leads to brighter, better skin in
the long run.
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