Bye-bye bacne.
Bacne is annoying at best, but everyone's had it at some point or
other, so you're not alone! Bring on the tank tops and backless dress,
though, because we're ready to fight back! We talked to top
dermatologists and skin care experts to find out how to get rid of bacne
once and for all. Read on for 11 tips for treating bacne (and body acne
in general)!
1. Exfoliate Regularly
"Like the face, one’s
upper torso and back have more sebaceous (oil producing) glands than
any other area of the body, which means it produces more of the skin’s
natural oil, increasing the likelihood of developing body acne in these
areas. Exfoliating on a regular basis is also important since the skin
cells on the back may not slough off as efficiently as needed and that
pile up can aggravate acne," says Dr. Doris Day, MD, New York City
dermatologist and Olay Professional Alliance member. Try Neutrogena Body Clear Body Scrub.
2. Wear Clothing that Breathes
skin irritation (like sweat) can exacerbate outbreaks. It’s important
to stay away from tight clothing to minimize friction, especially when
perspiring. Certain materials, like those that absorb sweat from the
skin, will also reduce irritation. Lighter colors and cotton are ideal,
especially during workouts," says Dr. Day.
3. Spot Treat Bacne
like you can spot treat acne on your face, you can spot treat bacne,
too. Sulfur masks, it turns out, are an excellent form of bacne
treatment. Try Peter Thomas Roth Therapeutic Sulfur Acne Masque.
4. Use an Acne Spray to Hit Weird Angles on Your Back
Getting acne medication on your back can be tricky, but this simple spray can propel its treatment from any angle. Try Murad Clarifying Body Spray.
5. Try Cleansing Pads
when you think you’ve gotten your body squeaky clean, one swipe of
these cleansing pads can reveal trapped dirt and oil. The discs are
saturated with salicylic acid, so they fight breakouts while cleansing.
Get a pal to help you rub them on your back! Try Oxy Daily Defense Cleansing Pads.
6. Shower Right After Working Out
One of the reasons that bacne happens is because
we're busy being so awesome and healthy working up a sweat! "Breakouts
on the back and body can be exacerbated by working out or sweating
more," explains skin expert Renée Rouleau.
Whenever possible, shower right after exercising to help remove sweat
that may be irritating the skin and causing clogged pores on your back.
7. Use Specially Formulated Cleansers
Take advantage of cleansers made specifically to fight bacne, like the Proactiv Medicated Cleansing Bar. This is definitely not your average bar of soap. While lathering up, it deposits salicylic acid to wherever you need it most, leaving you feeling ultra-clean and fighting acne all over your body.
If body washes are more your style, try Murad’s Acne Body Wash. The trifecta of salicylic acid, green tea, and licorice root
extract reduces redness, soothes inflammation, and unclogs pores.
8. Use a Cleansing Brush
your back seems basically impossible, until you try Clarisonic’s body
brush — it deep cleans even tough skin around your upper shoulders. The
extending handle allows you to easily get to hard-to-reach areas. Try
the Clarisonic Plus Sonic Skin Cleansing System.
9. Don't Let Conditioner Sit on Your Back
how we wash our hair is is to blame for bacne. When conditioner-coated
hair sit directly on our backs, it seeps into the skin — and that
can actually be the cause of back and body acne. So, the answer to how
to get rid of bacne might be as simple as clipping your hair up if
you're going to let it sit in your hair for a bit. It's also important
to keep it off your back after the shower, too. Even though you've
rinsed, the freshly conditioned hair can irritate sensitive acne-prone
10. Don't Pick
As with regular acne, avoid picking
any bacne or body acne. Just like it can on your face, picking on your
body can spread bacteria and cause more pimples, as well as lead to scarring (and no one wants to deal with that).
11. Wash Your Sheets and Workout Gear Regularly
and recycled workout gear can be a breeding ground for acne-causing
bacteria. Make sure to wash your sheets frequently and avoid the
temptation to re-wear your sports bra or tank for more than one sweat
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