extra sleep and drinking more water can help, some people are just
predisposed to under-eye darkness. Try these fast fixes for getting rid
of those icky dark circles.
it comes to dark under-eye circles, the dark knight rises pretty much
every day for me. Of course sleep and hydration can improve darkness
somewhat, but did you know that dark circles are hereditary too? As you
age, the skin below your eye thins and dark circles become more
prominent. But don't be discouraged. With color correction and
concealing, you can make dark circles a distant memory. Try these five
steps (and helpful products!) to erase dark circles under the eyes.

important to hydrate and prime the under-eye area first. Concealer will
appear cakey and artificial on dry skin. Pat on gently as you would an
eye cream.

use a color corrector to cancel out the initial darkness so your
concealer doesn't have to work so hard. Apply in a fanned-out shape in
the triangular area below your eye.

we get to the concealing! A cream concealer works best, melting into
the under-eye area. Instead of just applying to the half moon below your
eye, brighten up the entire area under the eye by applying it in a fan
shape. This will light up your face and eliminate the reverse racoon-eye

want to set all your hard work with powder. I am using the yellow-toned
Ben Nye's Banana Powder but any translucent powder works fine.

For a beautiful finishing touch, highlight the orbital bone, the c-shaped area around the eye socket, with a powder highlighter.
there you have it: five steps to banishing under-eye dark circles for
good. Below is a video showing all of these steps in action, so check it
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