Each trick takes 10 minutes or less!

By Marci Robin and Blake Bakkila, Good Housekeeping
Voluminous, shiny curls are the easiest way to glam up your look. If you weren't blessed with 'em naturally, there are some super simple ways to get those waves on your own. We've rounded up some lightening-fast tutorials — because hey, who has tons of free time to spend curling their hair? And if you want more ways to curl your hair without heat, just head on over here.
Voluminous, shiny curls are the easiest way to glam up your look. If you weren't blessed with 'em naturally, there are some super simple ways to get those waves on your own. We've rounded up some lightening-fast tutorials — because hey, who has tons of free time to spend curling their hair? And if you want more ways to curl your hair without heat, just head on over here.
3 Minutes: Quick Curls With a Weave
For a hassle-free routine that works well for those with weaves, YouTuber Seun Okimi hows us how she uses a flat iron to get loose curls in less than three minutes. Think of how many more times you can hit the snooze button with this low-maintenance routine.
4 Minutes: Sock Bun
5 Minutes: The Ponytail Trick
5 Minutes: Section by Section
5 Minutes: Small Iron, Big Sections
6 Minutes: Flat Iron
7 Minutes: Flexible Rollers
10 Minutes: Alternate Directions