By Kara Nesvig, Allure
You know what’s really annoying? Those papery flip-flops you get at the nail salon when you stop in for a quick pedicure on your lunch or during the weekend. They’re just ... not cute. If you’re not wearing the appropriate shoes to your pedi and don’t have time to let them completely dry — which always seems to take longer than the actual pedi — they’ll probably make you wobble out in the flip-flops so you don’t ruin your polish. It’s understandable, but an eyesore for sure. Not a whole lot goes with those bright pink or yellow rubbery flip-flops.
[post_ads]Los Angeles-based cult salon Olive & June knows how salon flip-flops can ruin an outfit — and your enthusiasm for your new pedi. That’s why they’re introducing their very first product, and it’s not nail polish. It’s pedicure sandals, sold at Olive & June locations for those of us who never pop in for a pedi with the approved footwear.
[post_ads]Los Angeles-based cult salon Olive & June knows how salon flip-flops can ruin an outfit — and your enthusiasm for your new pedi. That’s why they’re introducing their very first product, and it’s not nail polish. It’s pedicure sandals, sold at Olive & June locations for those of us who never pop in for a pedi with the approved footwear.
